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Good Afternoon All,

I am hoping someone could help me understand how the free account limitations work.


My plan and current documents:

I currently have a Lucid Charts free account.

The free account says it allows 3 documents, 60 shapes per document and 100 templates.

I currently have 2 documents and 1 document converted to a template.


The issue:

When I converted my third document to a template and I attempt to make another document, a prompt appears telling me I’m over my 3 document limit.

I would have assumed the document that was converted to a template would count as a template (1 of 100) and the 2 remaining documents would be 2 of 3 of my free document limit?


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!


Cheers all,


Hi @John Of All Trades 

When you convert a document to a template in Lucidchart, it essentially duplicates the document, leaving the original intact and still counting towards your 3-document limit.

To manage your limit, consider deleting the original document if it's no longer needed, or archive or export it and then delete it from your account. This will free up space in your document limit, allowing you to work on new projects without hitting the cap


To learn more on this -

Lucidchart free plan 60 shape restriction | Community


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

Hi @Humas1985 thank you for the reply.


When I convert a document to a template then move the template document to the trash I can create a new document, however, when in this new document I try to locate the template it is not there.


It is as if deleting the document converted to a template also deletes the template? Hopefully I am explaining this correctly!




Hi @John Of All Trades 

You've revealed a puzzling point in Lucidchart's free account,

This Irrational behavior can be unsettling and may be attributed to either an intentional design choice by Lucidchart to prevent users from exploiting the document limit or a system glitch specific to the free version, highlighting a potential bug that needs to be addressed.

Let me work in the background and will keep you updated at the earliest.


Hi @Humas1985

Appreciate you looking into this and hopefully you'll find a resolution to the free account "feature" 😁



Hi @John Of All Trades 

I've got some results to share with you for confirmation.

When moving a document to the trash will also delete any associated template, as this is a deliberate feature designed to enforce the free account's document limit.

If you find the free account's limitations restrictive, consider upgrading to a paid plan, which offers more flexibility with templates and allows for more than three documents.

Hope this settles.

