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I’m new to this app and I need help creating a very simple chart from a set of data.


I have imported a google sheet document with data from my employees. The organizational chart works great.

What I need to do is a simple “trombinoscope”, that is, a simple chart with names, faces and emails using the data I imported. I see that lucid offers a “trombinoscope” template (attached image), but I don’t understand how I can fill that template with the information I have imported.

Is that possible using the “team” or individual suscription? Is it possible at all?

Can someone help me with this? I’d be very grateful! 


thank you,


Hey Juan,

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! If you take a look our our Help Center article here I think you’ll find all of the resources you are looking for. TL:DR -- yes, as you’ve stated, you can pull all of the information into Lucidchart you would need, however, using the template you’ve pointed out would not work this way. The best workaround for you would be to utilize the Org Chart shape so you can import your data straight into the chart and then determine how you would like for it to look. For example, you can make the lines transparent, change the layout of each employee square, and change the format of the entire diagram. 

Hope this helps -- let us know if you have any other questions! 

Hi Juan, 

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! To confirm, were you able to generated an org chart by importing your data into Lucid, as described in our Create an org chart Help Center article, and now wants to create a “trombinoscope”? If so, unfortunately this is not currently supported– our org chart import feature only allows building hierarchical structures around reporting lines.

However, we're always looking for ways to improve – would you mind sharing your idea with the Lucid Community following the steps detailed in this community post? I’ve also attached a screenshot for your reference! Lucid highly values our users' inputs when prioritizing improvements to the product, and posting your idea in the community will also give the chance to other Lucid users upvote it to help make it happen! Thanks in advance for your contribution! 

