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I have connected an Org. Chart with google sheet and when i am working Lucidchart org. chart section and collapse the data say around 20 employees.  let's say if i went into presentation mode after that it doesnt show me an option to interact with the Org. chart collapse or expand features. 

Hi Mukarram thanks for your post. Unfortunately it's not currently possible to expand and collapse your org chart when in presentation mode. Presentation mode displays the org chart however it currently appears on your canvas (expanded or collapsed). However we would love to hear your feedback on this. If this is something you would like to see in presentation mode would you mind adding your idea to our Product Feedback section? Ideas submitted are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

As an alternative you may wish to use hotspots and layers to achieve something similar toggling visibility on and off for sections of your org chart. For more information about this I recommend reviewing our Create Multi-Layered Diagrams article from the Lucid Help Centre.
