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Dear Colleagues I have several needs for LucidChart to interact with some form of Anaconda/Jupyter-Notebooks. This can be visual but also interaction is needed.

1) use-case: Embed a live Jupyter-Notebook in a Lucid UML diagram

2) use-case: Embed a live Lucid UML diagram in a Anaconda/Jupyter-Lab (ie: similar to the tutorial on embedded URL or )

3) use-case: Embed a live Jupyter-Notebook in a Lucid diagram where elements/shape-objects can call a cell in the Notebook execute the code and return the runtime resultant to the shape-object (ie: as a metadata update to a property)

Use-Case #3 is the most important as this would allow for something of a automation portal.

Thank you

as an example:

where: OUID will then be used to update a shape-object property = OUID

this would be the workflow:

1. the cell "calculation" fires on property OUID

2. a new function that would reference the Jupyter Notebook / cells

3. the notebook / cells execute in the service that is referenced in the embedded notebook; the identified variable in the execute string (#2) content is then returned to the calling property

4. the shape-object property OUID is updated with the content returned by the call to the notebook/cells 

Hi John

Thank you for sharing these creative and innovative use cases with us! While we don't currently have a pre-built solution for integrating Lucidchart with Jupyter Notebooks I'm excited to let you know that our Extension APIs can be utilized to custom-build an application that can fulfill these use cases.

To explore this further and discuss the possibilities of creating a custom application with Lucidchart I recommend reposting your questions in the Lucid for Developers Community space. This dedicated space allows you to directly connect with the developers who are actively building Lucid's APIs. They can provide valuable insights and guidance on how to proceed with your specific requirements.

We appreciate your engagement with Lucidchart and your interest in exploring new ways to enhance the platform. If you have any more questions or need further assistance please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help!

Hi Richard thanks for the feedback. It may be easier than a full-on custom solution.

You currently support firing a URL from a shape-object where there is a link embedded. 

would it be possible to modify the above functionality to receive an optional return value as a result of running the URL?

An example might be: adding a URL or converting to an embedded link to: 


where UUID is a property on the shape-object that will be populated with the result of executing the URL?

just a thought ...

Hi @john.a.lopez! That's an excellent question. As it involves using our APIs let's continue this thread in the Lucid for Developers Community space. Please visit this new post for a response to your question and let's continue the discussion there!
