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Hi Lucidchart Community


I'm missing my doc icons on the right side of my screen.  e.g. I can access page settings from the file menu but the icon does not appear on my doc icons on the right side along with all the others.  The only thing I see have is selection tools.




Hi Tony thanks for your post! As you've noticed we recently made some changes to the editor UI and layout including removing the right-hand doc where Page Settings used to be located. The goal is to  free up space on the canvas and group features together in a more intuitive way (for example Page Settings has been moved under File in the top menu bar along with other document-wide controls.) You can learn more about these changes and why they were made in our Release Notes article. If you'd like to share feedback about the new UI please share your thoughts in our product feedback space. Ideas discussed in this forum are passed to the Product team working on these changes. 

Sorry for any confusion this might have caused! If you need to locate any features I would recommend using the Feature Find search bar. This is located next to the "Present" and "Share" options at the top right of the editor. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
