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I'm working in an org chart with a template.  I have imported my employees.  I have one manager who supports two teams; I'm struggling in my import to separate the team members since none of them have direct reports . Example: Manager A has QA team and Support Team.  How do I put these employees in their reporting lines instead of one long reporting stream (five support members and 2 QA members).  Thank you.

Hi Angela

Thanks for posting in the community! In terms of the overall layout of your chart I do not believe it is currently possible to separate the QA Team from the Support Team if they have the same manager. If adding the ability to do this would be useful for you please let us know via our Product Feedback section. However you may find our filter or group view functionality useful for displaying these teams separately. More information on this functionality can be found here. Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions!
