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On My documents web page there is a switcher: Grid view / List view.
How can I set List view option as default?

Hello Wiedzmin Thanks for posting on the Lucidchart Community! It you use that toggle button on the top of the page when you're under "My Documents" and click on it (if it is in Grid view) and switch it to List view the default will become List view.

Just a note: In my screenshot above this is the option I see when I am on the Grid view. You will click on this to switch your default to List view (once you are on List view it will show Grid view here as the option with boxes to represent the grid).

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns! Hope this helps!

After closing web page this switcher back to default state. And it's default state is Grid view. Question is how to change it's default state?

Hi Wiedzmin

I apologize for misunderstanding your full question! Unfortunately there is not currently a way to change that default state beyond just using that toggle like I explained above each time you log in. If this is a feature you would like to see in the future please post in ourĀ Product Feedback section. Suggestions submitted here are passed on to our Product Development Team and can help shape future road maps. Thanks for your feedback!
