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Entities and Attributes

  1. tbl_admin

    • admin_id (Primary Key)
    • username
    • email
    • password
  2. tbl_faculty

    • faculty_id (Primary Key)
    • faculty_name
    • dob
    • gender
    • house_name
    • place
    • city
    • department
    • f_phone_no
  3. tbl_student

    • student_id (Primary Key)
    • student_name
    • dob
    • gender
    • house_name
    • place
    • city
    • s_phone_no
  4. tbl_course

    • course_code (Primary Key)
    • course_name
    • subject_name
    • semester_name
    • faculty_id (Foreign Key)
  5. tbl_assignment

    • assignment_id (Primary Key)
    • course_code (Foreign Key)
    • student_id (Foreign Key)
    • assignment_marks
  6. tbl_attendance

    • attendance_id (Primary Key)
    • student_id (Foreign Key)
    • date
    • period1
    • period2
    • period3
    • period4
    • period5
    • attendance_marks
  7. tbl_mark

    • mark_id (Primary Key)
    • course_code (Foreign Key)
    • student_id (Foreign Key)
    • exam_marks
    • marks_obtained
  8. tbl_report

    • report_id (Primary Key)
    • faculty_id (Foreign Key)
    • student_id (Foreign Key)
    • generated_date
    • total_marks


  • [Admin] --manages–> ;Faculty]
  • gAdmin] --manages–> gStudent]
  • oAdmin] --views–> Assignment]
  • tAdmin] --views–> Attendance]
  • iFaculty] --teaches–> cCourse]
  • >Student] --views–> Assignment]
  • lStudent] --views–> tAttendance]
  • gStudent] --attends–> eCourse]
  • oCourse] --has–> gAttendance]
  • tStudent] --takes exam–> dMark]
  • /Faculty] --generates–> FReport]   And read it from top to bottom and from left to right

I didn’t get any replies

Please give me an ER diagram for this system


Hi @Fathima C S, I see that you posted the same question elsewhere in the Lucid Community. Please refer to my colleague, Zuzia’s, response here for instructions on creating Entity Relationship Diagrams.