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Entities and Attributes

  1. tbl_admin

    • admin_id (Primary Key)
    • username
    • email
    • password
  2. tbl_faculty

    • faculty_id (Primary Key)
    • faculty_name
    • dob
    • gender
    • house_name
    • place
    • city
    • department
    • f_phone_no
  3. tbl_student

    • student_id (Primary Key)
    • student_name
    • dob
    • gender
    • house_name
    • place
    • city
    • s_phone_no
  4. tbl_course

    • course_code (Primary Key)
    • course_name
    • subject_name
    • semester_name
    • faculty_id (Foreign Key)
  5. tbl_assignment

    • assignment_id (Primary Key)
    • course_code (Foreign Key)
    • student_id (Foreign Key)
    • assignment_marks
  6. tbl_attendance

    • attendance_id (Primary Key)
    • student_id (Foreign Key)
    • date
    • period1
    • period2
    • period3
    • period4
    • period5
    • attendance_marks
  7. tbl_mark

    • mark_id (Primary Key)
    • course_code (Foreign Key)
    • student_id (Foreign Key)
    • exam_marks
    • marks_obtained
  8. tbl_report

    • report_id (Primary Key)
    • faculty_id (Foreign Key)
    • student_id (Foreign Key)
    • generated_date
    • total_marks


  • [Admin] --manages–> ;Faculty]
  • gAdmin] --manages–> gStudent]
  • oAdmin] --views–> Assignment]
  • tAdmin] --views–> Attendance]
  • iFaculty] --teaches–> cCourse]
  • >Student] --views–> Assignment]
  • lStudent] --views–> tAttendance]
  • gStudent] --attends–> eCourse]
  • oCourse] --has–> gAttendance]
  • tStudent] --takes exam–> dMark]
  • /Faculty] --generates–> FReport]   And read it from top to bottom and from left to right

Hi @Fathima C S 

Getting started with Lucidchart is a pushover, especially if you've used online diagram tools before.

To create an ER diagram, begin by selecting a pre-designed template, which provides the necessary shapes and connectors, ensuring consistency and saving time. Represent tables as rectangles, known as entities, and add attributes, primary keys, and foreign keys to clearly define relationships and dependencies.

Afterward, connect entities with labeled lines or connectors to explicitly show how they interact.

Ultimately, arrange the layout in a logical top-to-bottom, left-to-right flow, aligning with typical reading patterns, making the diagram easy to understand and navigate.

With the above direction you will be able to create an effective ER diagram to visualize your database structure.


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

Hi @Fathima C S,

To create an ERD in Lucid, you can import updated database files at any time, and the fields will be updated in the shape menu and on the canvas. 

You can also create an ERD manually using the Entity Relationship shape library. This can be done by dragging out shapes from the shape library and adding relationships, text, and styling. 

For more detailed information on how to create an Entity Relationship Diagram in Lucidchart, I highly recommend this article, and particularly the video at its beginning that is very helpful.

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions!

