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changing size of conditional formatting icos

I created an org chart that included conditional formatting using icons. I spent some time playing with the size to get it to fit on a page, and at some point the icons shrank to an illegibly small size, and I can’t get them back to their original larger size. They don’t seem to change based on the size of the font or the the size of the shape they are connected to. Is there a way to make them larger? 


Userlevel 6
Badge +14


There is no native capability currently directly adjust the size of conditional formatting icons.

To learn more please make use of this webpage - Add conditional formatting in Lucidchart – Lucid

I encourage submitting this feature idea, accompanied by a strong business justification, to the Lucid team for consideration.


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

Userlevel 6
Badge +18

Hi @KGTCG, thanks for this post - @Humas1985 is right, we don’t currently support a way to manually resize conditional formatting icons, and we’d love to hear more about this in our Product Feedback space


However, this sounds unusual - they shouldn’t shrink in the way you described. Would you be willing to share a screenshot of what you’re seeing? 
