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I have an Org Chart created but have hit limits in the ways Lucidchart allows me to move the shapes around. For example I want to create a tier that does not have the same vertical spacing between it and other tiers as our standard tiers.

I understand it's not possible to make this change in the Org Chart tool but is there a way to use the diagram I created with the Org Chart tool as a starting point and start editing the shapes manually?


Hi Dan 

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! Unfortunately it's not possible to convert your structured org chart shapes to "regular" shapes that are not subject to the logic and structure limitations of the org chart tool. I understand though how it could be useful to use the tool or a template as a starting point but then edit with greater flexibility. I've logged this feedback for review by our development team which utilizes requests like this when prioritizing improvements to Lucidchart. If you'd like to share additional detail about your use case or what you'd like to see in this experience we'd love to hear more via this thread or our Product Feedback space. Thanks for your feedback and apologies for any inconvenience!

I wanted to share a few other community posts with workarounds to customization limitations with the org chart tool in case they're helpful to you:

Exporting the org chart into Visio and reimporting into Lucid works but you can’t change shape sizes for some reason.

Hi @KamHaik114, thanks for adding to this thread! I'm glad to hear that exporting your document as a Visio file and importing that into Lucid allowed you to customize your Org Chart shapes as desired.

As for the trouble your experiencing with the imported file, I would recommend re-saving it to both VSDX and VSD file formats, then importing those files to Lucidchart. Switching the file type can sometimes correct issues in the file itself. For more troubleshooting steps, please review our Import Troubleshooting article from the Lucid Help Center. If the issue persists, please let me know and I’d be happy to assist you further!
