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I imported some tables for an ERD using the CSV import option.  However, I had two tables in the same table_schema but in different table_catalogs.  I want to delete both of them and re-import, but no matter what I try, I am unable to delete both of them (re-importing after having deleted all references from the import file).  One will get removed, but the other remains.

Having the ability to manually delete imported ERD objects would allow me to work around this.  I saw a post from 2 years ago suggesting this feature. 

Right now the only solution appears to be starting with a fresh document.

Any ideas?





Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community. To confirm, if you click the trash can icon to delete your imported data, and then re-import the CSV with the changes you’ve made, do the resulting shapes/tables available still reflect the tables from your original import? 



Yes.  I tried that multiple times with different variations of the imported data to try and kick out the duplicate table.  No matter what I tried, I would still end up with both tables showing up.


Thanks for the confirmation. I’ll be reporting the persistent data after deleting and re-importing the data as a bug to our development team. 

Regarding the ability to delete imported objects from the UI, would you mind sharing your idea with the Lucid Community as a feature request following the steps detailed in this community post? We highly value users' inputs when prioritizing improvements to our products, and posting your idea using this method will also give the chance to other Lucid users upvote it to help make it happen! Thanks in advance for your contribution. 

Done.  See 

