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If I open a Lucid chart that a different user has modified, as soon as I click to navigate the flow (not changing), Lucid auto saves and updates last modified data. 

I assume this occurs as I have the licence to edit the flow, however as I have not made any changes I feel that this is a bug.

I can see this is discussed on an old post; Open a chart without changing modified date | Community ( - however can this bug be fixed?

Good morning,

Thank you for sharing your experience and linking the previous thread. I will share this feedback internally with the team that owns this feature. 

Hi @Adam2022,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This issue has been converted into a ticket, and the team is currently triaging it to identify a potential fix.

We appreciate your patience while we work to resolve it!

To any users impacted by this bug, please follow along on this thread for updates, and post any additional questions or concerns below.
