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Context: This may be harder to explain but let's say I have interlinking tabs in a LucidChart. Tabs A, B, C, D, E .... There are shapes in each tabs, and the shapes will link to other tabs. For example, Tab A -> D, B->D, C->D, E->D.


I'd like to implement a "Back" functionality.

Scenario 1) User navigates from Tab A -> Tab D. Then user clicks the "back" button/shape. The user goes back to Tab A


Scenario 2) User navigates from Tab C -> Tab D. Then user clicks the "back" button/shape. The user goes back to Tab C


Question: Is there a way to implement this type of "back" functionality?

Great Use Case

Spent some real good time to understand:

Have a thought - you can try 

There is a no explicit back button option that we all aware of 
May be you can try creating a shape and a hyperlink to it that navigates to the targeted tab
Then you can select the shape , clicking on the link 
Then select - Go to Paper website and then select the tab you want to link 

Thanks for your post @WilliamL  and for a cool workaround suggestion @Humas1985 . Unfortunately, this isn’t formally supported in Lucid, but we’re very interested in your feedback and committed to continually improving our products. Please first search the Product Feedback section of this community (with the filter Topic Type = Idea) to see if it’s already been submitted. If so, please add any additional details you’d like and upvote the request - this consolidation helps to refine feedback and properly capture the popularity of the request.

If no one has submitted this idea yet, please create one of your own and be sure to include details about your use case or what you’d like to see in this experience. This will also allow other users with similar requests to discover and upvote it, then details of their own.

Finally, for more information on how Lucid manages feedback via this community, take a look at this post:


Thanks for the replies. I created a feature request in:

