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In Lucidchart I'm looking for a way to add a document title and date as a type of header that will automatically resize as the page size changes. I don't want the header itself to get larger or smaller but rather the placement on the page to stay the same. I'm also looking for a footer in this styel too. Visio has this feature called a "background" and so far this is the main feature I'm missing from Lucidchart.


Below is the template I'm creating. I currently have it set up as shapes with Document Title and Modified Date fields. I want the top colored part to keep the same proportions but cover the expanse of the page as it resizes. Also the logo at the bottom I want to do the something similar stay the same size but stay in the bottom left corner of the document. 





Hey Shannon! Thanks for commenting in our community! With Lucidchart’s Master Pages you can make a header/footer or design a background and apply your formatting to any page in your document. To create a Master Page follow these steps. 

  1. On a new page add items that you would want to include in your Master Page.

  2. On the page tab right-click and select “Convert to Master.” This makes that page a Master Page.

  3. Create another page right click the page tab and select “Apply Master.”

  4. Select the master page from the dialogue box and apply it to the page.

  5. Whenever you edit the Master Page changes will be automatically updated to all other pages where the Master is applied.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you need any additional help. 

Right but it doesn't automatically size any objects if the page size changes. That's the feature I'm looking for. Unless I'm missing a setting!

Unfortunately the automatic resizing is not currently supported in Lucidchart. However we're always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. Would you mind adding your idea to our Product Feedback section? Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause you. 
