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Have Lucidchart added the capability to add all tables to a diagram after importing from a physical db in SQL Server?

I'd rather not have to add all 85 tales by hand not sure why I'm having to ask for something that seems really basic to me i.e. multi-select.

Hi Adrian 

Thanks for posting! 

When you import data from a database to Lucidchart the tables will be stored in the toolbox (pinned to the left side of your document). Lucidchart does not automatically add the tables to the canvas because often users do not want to visualize the entire database but just a few connection. 

Please see the Entity Relationship Diagram Help Center article for more information. 

If you would like to see the option to auto-add all imported tables to the canvas added to the product post this as an idea in our Product Feedback section



Thanks for the prompt response but I wasn't asking for Lucidchart to auto add the tables. I was just looking for a multi-select option so I can pick 1 or more tables to add to the chart at the same time rather than having to drag and drop one at a time. Seems pretty basic and standard to me I'm afraid.


Hi Adrian 

Thanks for clarifying. It is not currently possible to multi-select shapes to add to the canvas but this is a great suggestion! Please add this and any other ideas you have to the form I linked above. Let me know if you have any further questions. 
