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Hello is there a way to add additional conditions on this built in shape for UML Sequence alternative shape? Thanks


Hello Louell

Thanks for posting in the Community!

At this time it is not possible to automatically generate a third option on that Alternative shape from the shape library.

However a workaround would be to to build your diagram manually and create an effective stand-in from regular shapes.

The screenshot below shows an Alternative shape with a condition an "else" statement and an "else if" statement using regular Lucidchart boxes and lines. 


If you would like to be able to automatically generate a third option on the Alternative shape I encourage you to post your idea in our product feedback community space. Ideas shared here can be upvoted by others and are reviewed by the product development team for consideration.

As a growing company we take ideas you share very seriously as we are continuously looking for how we can make our product more useful and effective!
