I have am having a issue with multiple lines running to close together and I can not clearly see the pathway for each line. See image, all blue lines have joined together to run down the page. Is there anyway to increase the spacing between all lines so each line pathway is clearly visible?
Bounce AV
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Hello @Bounce AV - can see your issue here (and often find this myself).
It is possible to have the lines connect to different parts of a shape, but you do need to play around with it a little. I’m not sure what your full diagram looks like, but would the example attached with yellow boxes do what you need it to? I’m assuming the blue box version is a simplified version of what you have now (?).
Hi Leo
Thanks for the reply. I see your point about different parts to the shape. See my diagram below.
The main issue i have is I do a complex network cable schematic with lots of lines. I know I can individually manipulate lines and space them apart one by one. But that takes alot of time particularly on larger schematics. Also if I then do the “Reset all Lines” function. It undoes all my hard work and rejoins all the lines. I need to be able to visually follow each line and see what port connects to where.
Hey Damon - I see what you mean now. Although not a long-term solution, maybe staggering the boxes on the right of your diagram would help (see example attached). I’m not sure that Lucid can identify the relative positions of other shapes on the same diagram, (and so also the connecting lines)… unless maybe @Micah or @Mj Z knows of something else that might help with this?
Hey @Leo Barnes and @Bounce AV, thanks for looping me in! In this case, Leo’s suggestions will be the way to go - you’ll need to manually adjust the position of each line if you need them to appear distinct and separate. By default, Lucidchart will “combine” the lines into what appears to be a single, thicker line (like you show in your first screenshot) for simplicity and clarity, but I can understand that’s not ideal in every use case. Our development team would love to hear more about how this would be useful in your work - if you’re willing to share, you can submit any requests in this vein to our Product Feedback space so that others can upvote and comment on it.
Thanks @Micah
Not ideal for me, but hopefully something that can be added in the future. A feature that sets a minimum distance between any line would be great. For now I might just need to mark port names at both ends.
Thanks @Leo Barnes for helping here.
@Bounce AV - I understand - thank you for taking the time to dig into this so thoroughly! We want to do anything we can to support your work, so please continue to let us know how we can do so.