I created an org chart. For the Photo I have their linkedin picture URL. When I created it it worked great and the images showed up. Now a month later none of the images show. Why is this? How do I get it to refresh?
Hi Noel
Thanks for posting on the community! If this issue is occurring with all of your images please follow these troubleshooting steps:
- Could you try opening your document in a private or incognito window to help us narrow down the potential cause?
- Could you also try connecting to a different network? Sometimes account performance issues can be related to internet security/speed or browser issues. These steps will help us eliminate that possibility.
If this issue is not occurring with all of the images please check the image URL's you added to your org chart. Most likely these links have expired in Linkedin and will need to be replaced. Take a look at the Org Chart article in our Help Center to learn how to edit your image URL's in your org chart.
Please reach out again if this issue persists! Hope this helps!
I have had the same issue repeatedly over a year. I'm using data from Bamboo and the photos are there when I save the Lucid chart. Then I reopen a month or two later and they are gone. The only way to fix it is to reimport the data set which is very time-consuming.
The org chart feature is a key reason for my subscription. Not sure I will continue to subscribe without a fix for this.
Please advise.
Thanks very mucch.
Hi Michael
Thanks for posting and sorry for the trouble. My guess is that the Bamboo HR image URLs are changing in the interim between opening your document. Unfortunately this means that the data set must be re-imported to pull the new URLs. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes.
I wondered if the feature is ready on LucidChart to export gSheet to Org-chart. I have trouble export Image URL from .cvs to my orgchart though I've created the URL on imgur.
If Imgur won't work for lucidchart can you share with me a quick method to create Image URL on gSuite or Mac so I don't need to update the photo one by one? Thank you for sharing the tips.
Hi Alyssa
Thanks for your post. Great question! As long as you're using an image from a public location (Imgur and LinkedIn for example) you should be able to import the image into an org chart.
All you need to do is right click the image and select Copy Image Address. Then add the image address URL to your .csv file.
It's possible the issue could be a result of how your .csv file is formatted. To double check you can download an example .csv file to see how it needs to be formatted for a successful import into an org chart.
If this does't resolve the issue or you have anymore questions please let us know.
Can you use Google Drive or OneDrive for image locations? I have it set to "anyone with a link" and images do not import.
Hey Jared
Thank you for keeping this thread going! Unfortunately using Google Drive or OneDrive will not work as these are not technically public URLs. We suggest using Imgur as this is an open sourced location for your photos that will allow Lucidchart to pull from.
Hope this helps clarify--please let me know if you have any other questions! Cheers
Good day
I'm trying to upload the pictures for the orgchart from my local disk (can't use LinkedIn as the only source because not all pics are there) but it's not working.
I'm importing an Excel file (v16.72 for Mac) with URL field that has values like the following:
"/Users/rodrigo/Library/ACME Orgcharts/Profile Pics/ACME - John F - 28.jpeg"
Where '28' is the Employee ID. After importing the file the whole organization hierarchy relations titles etc are loaded correctly. It's just the profile pics that don't get uploaded (note: I have tried storing the local path in the URL field with and without "" with the same result).
I would appreciate any piece of advice. I can drag and drop the pics individually and it works but this is not scalable and this orgchart functionality is the main reason for me to subscribe.
Thanks in advance
Hi Rodrigo thanks for continuing this thread! Can you tell me where you are storing the photos? If you are uploading images via URL they must be from a public location or they won't display properly. If you are using Google Drive links they must be set as public links. Would you mind checking these settings and letting me know how if the images work?
Thank you for your swift reply Whittney C.
I am storing the picture files on my local hard disk which is accesible by me (I uderstood I could have the files in my computer as well as in the cloud is this right?).
I'm wondering though if there is anything I need to do to ensure the local files are accessible by the Lucidchart service that will try to reach them and upload them?
Hi Rodrigo thanks for that update! It should be importing the photos if the images are on your local hard drive. Could you provide a screenshot of the problem and the data file you imported to create the org chart (Google Sheets Excel or CSV)?
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