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I was used to work on Visio and I'm trying LucidChart which I find very good software.

Before to purchase it I would like to know how I can move the forms very few as we could do it in Visio?

Even if I zoom on the scheme on 200 % when I move a form it moves from the same distance. I would think it should move from a very small distance but not the case.

Is there a way to do like in Visio?

Thanks for your reply.


Hi David thanks for posting! I'm not 100% I understand what your question is. Are you asking how to move objects around on the canvas in smaller increments? If you click on an object then hold down shift on your keyboard then use the arrow keys on your keyboard you can move objects very small amounts in those directions. I hope this helps! Please let me know if this is not what you were asking about and I can provide a better explanation.
