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I used to have a paid account but my company canceled the subscription. I created a document under a paid plan, but now that I am on the free plan, I can only view my document. It says “it’s not one of 3 recent documents”, so it does not let me edit it. I should be able to edit 1 document when I am on a free plan, shouldn’t I? 

Hi @milena.v, thank you for posting in the community! Our free accounts only allows you to edit your 3 most recently edited documents.

This means that only the 3 most recently created documents are editable. Any prior documents are available as view-only. For more information about what's included in our different offerings, please see our Account Types article and let me know if you have any additional questions. Hope this helps! 

I was trying to edit my recent document. I only have one document in Lucid. What does it mean it’s not recent? 


Please define “most recently created”. Does it have to have been created within some period of time?

Hi @milena.v, thank you for following up! There are no time specifications for ‘most recently created’ - this simply means the newest created documents. 

However, the issue you are experiencing may also happen if you have used up your account’s storage space. Our Free accounts include 25 MB of storage and you may see the following message if your account storage is reaching it’s limit. 

You can check how much of your storage is being used and what it is being used by in your Account Settings at the bottom of the left panel. If you hover over each of the colored sections, you can see what that portion of the storage represents.

If this doesn’t help resolve the issue, would you mind submitting a support ticket via this form? Someone from our team will be happy to take a closer look and assist with troubleshooting. 

Hope this helps! Feel free to let us know if you have any questions :)
