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Hi by using SAP ERP system we use a transaction to start request and the request goes through a predefined workflow with confirmation steps until the request is completed. which icon should i use to represent this steps into 1 Form in lucid chart in my high level prcess map.

i am taking: system form for ERP as inbound system and as outbound: wanted to represent the workflow within the sap system any idea how to do that?


Hi Karina

Thanks for posting in the community!

If you are looking to add SAP workflow shapes to your Lucidchart process map I would recommend importing SAP shapes into Lucidchart to build out your process map. For more information on how to import shapes into your Lucidchart account please review our Shape Libraries article in the Lucidchart Help Center. Please ensure that you use the correct format when importing shapes.

Hi ​@Karina L ! Exciting news, Lucidchart now supports SAP shapes in the shapes panel. Happy Diagramming!😊

