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data mapping...

Just found out that Excel file I imported and linked 230 objects to had some of its column data wrong... 

If I want to keep those objects properly "mapped" to their rows in the dataset does Lucidchart use the "unique" column (what we're asked for at import) as the link for the objects to hold on to?

(Sorry if I worded that wrong.)


Hi Russell 


Thanks for posting in the community! In this instance we recommend using the "Replace Dataset" function which is accessible in the Data Linking panel under the Manage Dataset menu as shown in this screenshot:



This will maintain the data connections you've already created and will update any shape which contained data that you edited. Please give this a try and feel free to use this Data Linking article as an additional resource. Let me know if you have any other questions!

OK that's what I did... and it looks like the sheet name (in the Data Link panel) has changed 

but the data hasn't updated.

Is there a trick to get it to really update?

Hi Russell 


This method should work I would like to take a closer look at what you're experiencing. Would you mind submitting a support ticket here with the URL to the document you are working in your Excel data file and screenshots of your data pre- and post-update? Additionally can you please clarify that when you say "the data hasn't updated" are you saying that the data in your data linking panel has updated but the data in the corresponding shape has not or are your saying that neither the data in the panel nor the corresponding shape data has updated? Thanks so much!


Made ticket uploaded file/URL.

Table name was showing in Data Linking panel but data wasn't actually updated in the panel nor in data linked objects.

Thanks for your help on this.

Hi Russell thanks for submitting the ticket! It looks like you're working with one of our agents and we'll continue the conversation there. Thanks for your help and patience!
