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Andrew did a nice response about setting page size on March 28 2018 08:11 but  I don't have the menu on the right. Is it somewhere in the settings? I have reset my defaults but want to fix this one. Thanks

Oh my bad that must be an earlier version. I found Page Settings under File ... all good. 🙂 I'll keep going through the videos.

Hi Joanne thanks for posting in the community! I apologize for the confusion - we recently updated our user interface to better show you only the functionality you need only when you need it. As you mentioned the Page Settings are now under the File menu. Selecting Page Settings there will open a panel that can be moved around the editor for your convenience; I've included a screenshot below for the benefit of other users:


For more information please review the Get Started with Lucidchart article from our Help Center and post any additional questions below!

