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Hi team


I am trying to link a google sheet to my organisational chart but the linking symbol has disappeared.

Ho do I locate this feature now?



Hi Tanya 

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! To import a data set into a Lucidchart document please open up the document and follow these steps:

  1. Click on the data linking icon in the data panel to the right of your canvas and then click on the “Link Data” blue button OR navigate to File > Import Data > Data Linking.

  2. In the window that appears click on “Import your data.”

  3. Select Google Sheets and then click on “Choose File.”

  4. You will need to grant Lucidchart permission to access your Google account. To do so click on “authenticate” select your Google account and then click on “Allow” to grant this permission.
  5. Select a sheet from Google Sheets click on “Select” and then follow the next steps Lucidchart will prompt you to take. 

For more detailed information on how Import data sets from Google Sheets as well as from Excel spreadsheets and CSVs into Lucidchart please read through our Link data to a Lucidchart document from the Lucidchart Help Center. Hope this helps!

Thanks Flavia I have used this function but I prefer the link to go straight to google sheet - it displays the information better. All you had to do was click to follow external link.

Has this function been removed? I am hoping not as it made my life so much simpler when I needed to show what lies behind my information in Lucidcharts. 

Kind regards



Hi Tanya 

I apologize for the confusion! Just to make sure that we are on the same page are you trying to link a Google sheet to an object on your canvas to turn it into a clickable button? If so you can do that by selecting the object > clicking on the lightning bolt icon in the properties bar > choosing the action type “web” from the top of the modal > pasting the link into the “Go to” field. 

To learn more about how to add an action to an object in your document check out our Add an Action or link to a shape in Lucidchart from the Lucidchart Help Center!
