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When I copy a frame from one Lucidchart to another one the frame's content doesn't appear on the second Lucid Chart

Hey Maria

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! To clarify -- are you dragging and dropping to select the frame and all the contents or just selecting the frame? 


@Phillip W I am also interested in learning how to do this. I have multiple Lucidcharts open and I wanted to copy and paste an org chart into another one so that I could combine them and it wouldn’t copy the boxes and lines at all. 

Hey there,

Thanks for keeping this thread going! I would suggest using drag and drop or cmmd/ctrl + A to select the entire Org Chart and try to copy and paste into the new document. 

If this doesn’t work, would you care to send a screenshot of how this looks on your end so I can take a closer look? 

Hope this helps!
