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When a document is shared why doesn't it show in my files?

  • 10 October 2018
  • 5 replies


I had a co-worker share a document and I can open it just fine but it won't show in my documents.

I tried file > Save as but it still didn't save to my documents.

How do I save the file into my documents so I can manage it going forward?

Thanks for your help.


Hi Laura

Thanks for your post. Documents that are shared to you by another can typically be accessed by clicking on the "Shared with Me" tab on the left panel of your Docs lists. If after checking this you're still unable to locate the document within your own account please contact us here and include the document URL. 


Thank you

I just figured out that I have to copy it - then it went into my folder for me to make changes

@Laura - is there a way to add documents that have been "shared with me" to "my documents"?

Hey John you should be able to click and drag the document from your "Shared with Me" folder to your "My Documents" folder. Please let me know if this is not the case!

Thanks Megan! Worked perfectly.
