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I cannot fully comprehend what the difference is between a frame and a container.  Please elaborate.. and apologies perhaps I am a slow learner


Hey there

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! Generally speaking either one can be used to serve a similar purpose. A Frame is typically used as more of a "catch all" space whereas a Container has a theme or more specific purpose. Each can hide content be customized by line color background shade etc. It's up to you how you would like to utilize them and create what's best for you and your team. 

Hope this helps -- please let me know if you have any other questions! 

Hey Thank you for the response!!  Really appreciate this it has been driving me nuts. lol


But I see how they are similar but I do not really understand how they are 'different'. 

Can you (would you) be able to give me an example where you would want to use one vs the other?




...So I see that you can only create paths with Frames not containers?  


So a container just contains other objects but a frame (which can do the same) can guide one on a path of say a workflow?

Key difference?  are there other differences?

Hey Marcel

Thanks for the reply! So a path allows you to guide your users allowing them to follow along with a workflow in a presentation style. Paths are a feature available on Frames however this can also be done with our Presentation Builder. Containers have a really cool feature called Gather which allows you to easily filter your sticky notes for the most popular ideas or identify those that share a common attribute to move forward with the best options. 

Hope this helps bring some clarity -- please let me know if you have any other questions! 

