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I've now spent hours and hours loading and copying URLs into a google sheet. To hoste the images I've tried Google Drive and then Google Images neither work. I can open the links of images in an incognito browser still it's not pulling them in to my Org Chart. 

What would be wonderful is if Lucidchart could share a recommended Image hosting site and specific instructions for that site. 

Also what are the troubleshooting steps if it doesn't work? 

Hi Cass 

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! 

In order for your images to appear in your org chart they must be uploaded from your computer directly to Lucidchart or linked from a public location. This means that using links to images stored on Google Drive won't unfortunately work – Google Drive will block Lucidchart's access and the images will not appear in the org chart. Links to Google Images should work though. Would you mind sending the Google Images link to an image that is not appearing in your org chart so I can take a closer look? Thanks! 

I downloaded the sample data .csv and used the following image URLs: and


Hi Cass 

Thanks for sending those images link!

It seems like the images you are trying to link are not in a public location but stored in your own Google Photos account which is a private environment that can only be accessed when inputting your Google credentials.  

I believe I misunderstood your description of the issue when sending my first response – when you mentioned that you were including links to Google Images I thought you were referring to images you found using the Google Images search tool which would be therefore publicly available. I'm sorry for the confusion! 

You can upload your images to any public hosting site that is any site that can be accessed by anyone without authentication. Alternatively you can download the images to your computer and then upload them from your computer directly to Lucidchart. 

I hope this helps! 

What is a public hosting site? Can you name one that I can use?

Hi @natasha.minisini, thanks for asking! A public hosting site is any website that anyone can access. A common source people use is LinkedIn profile pictures because the profiles are public. You can navigate to a profile right click on the picture select "copy image address" and use that in the URL field in your diagram and it should populate the image without issues. Alternatively if you don't want to use URLs for the images you can download your images from Google Drive or Google Images and upload them manually to the image fields.
