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I have an existing UML diagram with multiplicities, but the ‘add multiplicities’ option that used to appear when I created a connector has vanished, so I’me forced to copy and paste existing ones. Where has it gone?

Hi ​@Simon Notley 

These steps should help restore or clarify the functionality:

1. Check Connector Settings

  • Select the Connector:
    • Click on the connector where you want to add multiplicities.
  • Shape Options:
    • Look in the properties or format panel on the right side of the screen to see if multiplicity options are available for that connector.

2. Enable UML Shape Library

  • Ensure the UML shape library is enabled ->
    1. Click + Shapes in the left toolbar.
    2. Scroll down to UML and enable the UML shape library.
    3. Use connectors from this library for UML-specific features, including multiplicities.

3. Use Manual Text Boxes

If the multiplicity option is not available, you can manually add multiplicities:

  1. Select the connector and right-click.
  2. Use Edit Text to add text near the connector line.
  3. Alternatively, place a text box near the line and type the multiplicity value (e.g., 1..*).

4. Reset Board or Clear Cache

  • If the feature worked previously, it could be due to a temporary glitch:
    1. Save your work and refresh the Lucidchart board.
    2. Clear your browser cache and log back into Lucidchart to see if the feature returns.

If none of the above resolves the issue, try troubleshooting tips here: Troubleshooting: Images – Lucid.

Hope this helps!

@Simon Notley this appears to be a technical troubleshooting issue since it has only recently disappeared. Can you provide more details? The type of details I’m looking for is the Lucid product, when did this begin, and type of browser. You could try clearing the cache and/or opening the browser in incognito mode. If that doesn’t help, you might want to create a ticket.

I found the issue. At some point I switched from using the ‘Class’ object to a ‘Block’ object (both look the same on the screen). I only get multiplicities if at least one end of the connector goes to a Class.

Hi ​@Simon Notley, thank you for sharing additional details on your issue here! Do you need additional support? Please let me know if you have any further questions and I would be happy to help!

Thank you ​@aparrish and ​@Ria S for your insights here as well!


