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I need to use this program short time make homework for send teacher only. How to do. if trial only not enough time to make homework. I need to 2-3 week only. I am student of sukhothaitmmaatiach univesity by student ID [Redacted].

Hi there thanks for reaching out! For security purposes I have edited your post to remove your student ID. 

Lucid offers free educational upgrades to students and educators! The free upgrade gives you access to the features described here including unlimited objects and three editable documents. 


If you are a student or educator in a K-12 school and have signed up for a free Lucid account using your school-issued email address you will be automatically upgraded to a free educational account.


Higher Ed

If you are a student or educator at a university or college and have signed up for a free Lucid account using your school issued email address and have also chosen “Student” or “Educator” in the persona picker when setting up your account you will be automatically upgraded to a free educational account.

If you are not automatically upgraded please fill out this form to request your educational upgrade. Thanks and have a great school year!
