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I work as a translator and had to work on a visio file. The header was not in the output although I can see in my display.


Who can help me?


Thanky Iris


I worked on a Vision file put it into Lucid and could insert the translation into the forms but the header is blocked (maybe pdf or Photo) and I can not change the text in the header. Also the original header is seen in my display but not transferred into  the outgoing file.


Meskoiris at


Hi Iris 

Thanks for posting your question in the Community! I don't completely understand the issue you are experiencing -- could you please respond with a screenshot of the issue so I can take a closer look?

Thank you for your help and patience! 

I can not change the text in the because it is a graphic or photo?

When I send my new file the header disappears.

Hi Iris 

Thanks for the reply and for providing that screenshot and additional info. Text imported from a Visio file should be editable so I've created a support ticket in order to take a closer look at what the issue might be! Please refer to your email for further communication. 
