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When a LucidChart is exported to Visio and opened in Visio Online the shapes cannot be swapped with other Visio shapes and any radiused corners do not scale properly. I also find the shapes cannot be copied and reused within Visio (they do not transfer to clipboard as expected). Are these known limitation that will be addressed as the export beta is updated? Unfortunately to work with LucidChart we are required to export to Visio to maintain compatibility with older charts.

Exporting from Visio to Lucid runs into similar limitations.

I am having the same problem while exporting an ERD to Visio.  Client insisting on an editable version.

Hi thank you both for posting in the Lucid community! 

Compatibility with Visio is something we take very seriously and our team has dedicated countless hours over the last few years to make these exports as high fidelity as possible. In certain cases due to differences between the two applications it isn't possible to make shapes exported from Lucidchart behave exactly as shapes created in Visio do. 

I’m sorry for any inconvenience that causes you. If you have any further questions please let me know.
