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Today I’m unable to export my diagram to Visio.

I only get an error message, without any hint what could be possible wrong.

Do I use an invalid shape, or connection, maybe a style?
I tried it on Firefox and Edge, too, but failed. (I guess it’s generated on the backend)

Last week I was able to export, based on that success I got the permission from my boss to use Lucid Chart for creating the diagram. It was a main “selling point”. If I cannot export to Visio, I will need to redraw it with a different tool…. however I love Luid Chart and usually recommend it to everyone….

The error must be in my new, complex diagram.
I’ve tried it with something simple, and it worked.
Even if the error cannot be fixed, at least a feedback about the specific obstacle would be great.

Kind of a solution:

My document has multiple page, I only would like to export the current page.
I created a separate document of that specific page - with this workaround I can export to Visio.

I’m sure, that others may have to same problem, so I suggest to let this thread be here.
