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Hi Lucid community.

I am currently trialling the free version for my organisation.

I have a requirement to produce some basic Org and Team charts with Lucid that will be published into our Teams page simply as a tab.

Currently using the free version - it appears it displays the content in an "editor" view and my desire is to have the output of the file simply generated in a read-only format so they Teams members can zoom in/out and view content but arent able to see any of the editing tools on the left.

This doesnt seem openly simple to achieve (perhaps a paid feature maybe).

Can someone advise if Lucid supports this capability for my team audience.


Hi Kenny! Thanks for posting in the Community. So you are using our Lucidchart app for Microsoft Teams? When inserting a document in a team channel you should have the option to select a dropdown of what permissions you would like users to have to the content (see below screenshot). Once it's inserted that's the access collaborators will have. However for your own view since you are the creator of the document your view of that tab will retain the editor.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions!
