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I'm wondering if it's possible to create a "Master Record" for a given shape in a Custom Shapes Library. 

Basically my intention is to create a master shape in such a way that once a given shape is updated at the source the changes will be propagated to all (or selectively some) of the shape instances that reference the master from the library (within pages). 

My understanding is that copies are made whenever a shape is dragged to a page which does not necessarily reference back to its source once copied. 

Is there an elegant solution to this? 



Hi Lucas thanks for posting! Unfortunately something like this isn't possible in Lucidchart at this time. But I understand your use case and I think it's a great idea! If you would like you can add it to this feature request form. Ideas submitted to this form are brought to our product team for their consideration. We really appreciate your feedback and I apologize for the inconvenience not having a feature like this causes for you!
