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I need to produce a black and white Venn diagram for a manuscript that I'm submitting for publication.

To do this one circle is white the other black and the area of intersection is grey.

The problem is that I cannot seem to change the line color of the white circle from white to black which makes the circle itself invisible.

Is this a bug? Is there any way to change the line color in Venn diagrams?


Hi Machelle 

I can see why not having a black line around your white circle would make visibility difficult! 

If you are using Lucidchart's Venn diagrams in the Shapes library you'll see that there is a level of opacity in each of the circles with a much less transparent border around them. These are intended to stay the same color (just different opacities).  You can place a background color behind your diagram to make visibility clear this way. I have included a screenshot with a background color for reference. 

While it is not a perfect solution I would recommend using a background color or making your own Venn diagram circles by hand. You can do this by navigating to the shapes library > Shapes > selecting Circle > drag to your canvas. From here you can manually adjust your line/border color as well as the fill color & opacity of it. 
