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After a great brainstorming session with your team, you might have a canvas full of sticky notes but identifying your best ideas can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. Additionally, if you’ve already discussed, reacted to, or voted on your ideas, reviewing them again to identify your favorites can feel like unnecessary or repeated effort. Fortunately, Lucidspark’s Gather tool makes it easy to quickly pull your favorite or best options out and move forward with them; it allows you to collect and group all sticky notes of a certain kind without having to manually review and make a decision about each one. You can choose to pull all sticky notes with a particular:

  • Keyword
  • Emoji Reaction
  • Reaction by specific collaborator(s)
  • Tag 
  • Color
  • Votes
  • Votes by specific collaborator(s)

 For example, in the Lucidspark board below my collaborators and I have brainstormed different types of fruit then reacted to them with whatever Emojis we wanted - there’s a wide variety of positive and negative reactions!

Since my collaborators have already indicated how they feel about each idea after brainstorming them, I don’t want to revisit each idea to identify the ones we liked. Instead I selected all the sticky notes chose “Container Options” from the context menu and selected “Gather.” 

After choosing “Reaction” as the Gather criteria, I chose all emojis with positive connotations from the list. If instead of reacting with emojis we had voted on them or created tags relating to their priority or importance, I could Gather by those attributes as well. 


Next, I chose “Gather” and Lucidspark grouped all sticky notes with one of those positive reactions into a container so I could move forward with only those ideas - no wasting time on those ideas we already decided we didn’t like!

I hope this was helpful! If you have any additional questions feel free to take a look at the Gather article from the Lucidspark Help Center.

How can you use the Gather function more than 1 time for the same container? We have multiple sessions where we create sticky note ideas and cannot use the gather option more than 1 time. We now have to manually move each sticky note to the container as the gather option isn’t available after the 1 time use. 

Hi @LeeF, thanks for your post! You’re correct, you can only use Gather once per container because the Gather function is only available when a container is empty. If you need to take further action, I recommend using the Sort tool, which can pull stickies from your already-gathered container into a different one. I’ll share an example below. Here, I have stickies of many colors, and each color’s stickies are tagged with a number 1-9. 


I can perform a Gather by adding a container - in my example, I’ve gathered all stickies with the tags “2” and “6”.


This is the result: 


Next, I can perform a Sort to pull out another specific type of sticky from this already-gathered group. In my example below, I’ve sorted by color.


Which results in automatic assignment to a new container so you don’t have to manually drag the stickies. 



Gather does not seem to appear as an option on my frame context menu, is it possible that I have switched it off somewhere by mistake?



Hi @VWalters3, thanks for your question! The Gather tool isn’t something that you can toggle off, so I suspect something else is happening. Can you confirm that the frame in question is empty? If so, you should see it appear as I’ve shown in the screenshot below:


If your frame is empty and you’re not seeing this, can you please share a screenshot of what you’re seeing? 

That’s a very clever hack for organizing data. Thank you for sharing @Micah 

Many thanks Micah! 


Here is a screen shot. I was just testing whether I could organise post-its, but the gather symbol did not appear. In the end Chelsea helped me by explaining that to sort post-its you need to select them all, but even then the sort symbol appeared, not gather. Am I getting my features muddled perhaps?

Kind regards,



Hey Victoria, thanks for following up! You’re correct - while quite similar, Gather and Sort are distinct features that are accessible in different ways/scenarios. 


The Gather tool will pull only sticky notes that meet a certain criteria that you specify. For full information on what criteria you can gather by, I recommend this help center article. In my original post, I wanted to gather only sticky notes that had positive connotations, and the rest could remain unchanged. For a non-Lucid analogy, I could walk through a field of many flowers, choosing to gather only daisies. 


Within Lucid, you must gather into a containing object, which can be a Container, a Frame, or a Dynamic Matrix. When any of these three objects are empty, you should see the Gather tool appear when selecting it. I’ve demonstrated this in my screenshot above, and I believe the reason you’re not seeing it in your example in your latest response is that it already contains sticky notes. 


The Sort tool will take all sticky notes that you select, then group them by a criteria of your choosing. For full information on what you can sort by, I recommend this help center article. For the complementary non-Lucid analogy, walking through that same field of many flowers, I could pick up an armful, then later sort them into piles of daisies, roses, and peonies. 


Within Lucidspark, you must first select the sticky notes you want to sort. Then, as you described, the Sort tool will appear and organize the sticky notes by the criteria of your choosing. 


I hope this helps clarify the difference between the two tools and how you access them! Take a look, and let me know if you have further questions. 

That is wonderful and clear Micah, many thanks! Looking forward to gathering some choice flowers in the field today!

Wonderful, @VWalters3🌸🌹🌻We’re here for anything else you need.
