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I'm trying to display information from SmartGroups in a non-standard gridded fashion. I'd like to be able to choose a specific location on the page where I would like to place each container e.g. if the containers reference countries I'd like to display them individually over their correct location on a map.

I think (hope?) this is possible through the use of formulas i.e. creating new shapes that reference data within the Smart Group. However I am struggling with the syntax and a lack of other examples from which to learn from.

One additional note: the Smart Group is based on an org chart (which itself is based on an excel spreadsheet). Technically the solution to my issue (mapping fields against physical locations on a page) could also reference the org chart or even the spreadsheet itself. 

Any/all help and guidance would be gratefully received. 


Hey Steven 

Thanks for following up on this and sorry for missing your post the first time around! It sounds like what you are trying to accomplish is not currently possible with our smart containers and formulas functionality but our Product Manager over Data & Automation would love to talk with you to learn more about your use case. I will email you individually to follow up about this.

For anyone else that would like to see improvements on this feature please submit a feature request using this form. These submissions are used to track user demand and help inform our developers work.

