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I want an icon to show up in an org chart based on a date in the data imported from excel. No condition works other than 'is not empty'.

For example one of the date value is 'Jan-23'. The raw data is '01/01/2023'. The formatting in excel displays it as 'Jan-23'. That is the same value I see in Lucid Chart. I have tried both values neither one matches the rule.

Hi Marcos thanks for posting in the Lucid community - I'm happy to help! In order for me to better understand what you're experiencing it would be helpful to see how you currently have the rule configured. Would you mind replying with a screenshot of how the date field appears in your org chart and a screenshot of your conditional formatting rule set-up? Thanks for your help and patience!


Here is how the data looks in the side panel:

Here is the rule:



Hi Marcos thanks for getting back to me with those screenshots! It does appear that you have your conditional formatting rule set up correctly and using "is equal to" should work for what you're trying to accomplish. After a bit of testing I believe I may have discovered the source of the problem. In my spreadsheet that serves as the data source for my test org chart the column containing the date was specifically formatted as a "Date" value which I think is complicating the way Lucidchart is interpreting the text. I went back to my spreadsheet and reformatted that column as plain text then re-uploaded it to Lucidchart. After doing so Lucidchart was able to identify the specific date as I entered it in the conditional formatting rule using "is equal to." 

I've gone ahead and reported this to our development team as I believe this is a bug and reformatting in the original data source shouldn't be necessary. I am so sorry for the trouble and I'll be sure to let you know as soon as I hear word of an update. In the meantime I hope the above workaround will allow you to continue your work and apply your conditional formatting rule successfully! Please give this a try and let me know if you have any additional questions. 

We added a column to the spreadsheet that holds a copy of the date as a text field. That works well enough for now. I hope the issue is corrected in the future. We would like to be able to use other logical operators like 'greater than' 'between' etc.

Thank you for your prompt attention to my issue.

Hi Marcos I'm glad to hear that a plain text version of your date field in your original data source is allowing you to use the conditional formatting tool - thanks for letting us know! Agreed - a fix here should ensure that all conditional formatting operators apply properly without needing to reformat the data prior to uploading. I'll share an update in this thread when I have one!

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to in the meantime to support your work. 
