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I'm getting my head around the use of formulas (particularly in the service of conditional formatting) but can't find the answer to a basic question: How do I reference another specific shape?

Here's the scenario: I have a group composed of one circle and one text box. I want the circle to take on a color based on the value contained within the text box. I understand I need a formula for the conditional formatting of the circle and I know the value I'm going to test is the text of the text box but I'm not sure how to reference that text box within the same group.

Can you provide an example?

Hi Scott

Thanks for your post! I figured that a visual demonstration might be more helpful than a longer explanation in this situation so this Dropbox link shows an example of how you can accomplish your use case. Additionally I think our Help Center article documentation about Formulas and Conditional Formatting will be useful to you in your work. If you have other questions please let me know. 
