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Hello all; would anybody be kind enough to critique my use case diagram below? I am a basic UMLer and trying to improve. I have been working on a use case diagram for Manage Invoice which involves representing Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) appropriately as well as factoring in a one (header) to many (items) in data terms. I think this diagram is ok ?? but would much welcome comments. Many thanks in advance. David.

PS so sorry but I can't work out how to provide a link to a read only copy of the diagram so here below is a description of the diagram and a screen shot further below. Please let me know how to create a link to read only copy if you would be so kind... !

Description of Manage Invoice use case:
Invoice Clerk associates with use case Create Read Update Invoice Header
This use case Extends to Create Read Update Invoice Item/s and also to Delete Invoice Header
Delete Invoice Header Includes Delete Invoice Item/s
Create Read Update Invoice Item/s Extends to Delete Invoice Item/s.  

Here below is the screen shot...



Hi David

From my point of view you need also to add the archiving the invoice item's original state before any update can be finding. Can you please share with me the use case template? Many thanks!

Best Regards

