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The Lucid doc page outlining the different ways to link shapes: Add an Action or link to a shape in Lucidchart – Lucid


This page does not include details on how to link to other shapes in Lucid.  I had to dig around a bunch to find it so this would be helpful to save others time.

For reference: Select Shape, Share button in top right, Additional Settings Dropdown, Ensure “Link to current selection” is checked, copy link and use as the URL for adding a link to a shape.

Hi ​@Hassan, thank you for your feedback on the Help Center article, Add an Action or link to a shape in Lucidchart. I will share this with the proper team!

Have additional feedback about other Help Center articles? Tell us about your experience here.

Thank you also for leaving the additional detail for others in the community to easily access. For anyone else who may come across this post, below is a GIF showing how to share a link to a specific shape within your document, as Hassan described above.

