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I created an org chart based on an excel spreadsheet including images. This worked fine and I was able to organize it and adjust the shape sizes etc to my liking. I now need to update the org chart with a new person and a person that is leaving. I started to just replace the data in lucidchart but can't edit the image URL (the rest of the fields are editable). I tried to update the excel spreadsheet and replace the data but this is an enterprise feature.

How do I update the image URL?



Hi Kurt

Thanks for reaching out on the community! 

You're right that live data is an Enterprise only feature. In order to change the image in an Org Chart without data linking you will need to simply re-upload the spreadsheet and generate a new Org Chart. 

For anyone else looking for more general information on Org Charts see this article: Org Charts

For reasons I dont know I am no longer able to insert image URL data from LI. Some images has also been lost. the fields where I normally insert the information is not open for input.


Hi Daniel thanks for your comment! LinkedIn image URLs are publicly accessible. However they will often block access to images after a period of time which would cause the issue you are describing. To work around this you can upload the images directly to Lucidchart as described in this section of our Org Chart Help Center article. 

If you continue to experience issues with the fields you are trying to insert an image URL into please send a screenshot of what you are experiencing. Hope this helps!
