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There is no option to "save as" or export documents to Visio or any other format for that matter. Do I need to have a special account in order to have this option?


Hi Andre 

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! To export your document as Visio file follow these steps:

  • Open the document.
  • Navigate to the “File” tab of the menu bar at the top of your editor. 
  • From the drop-down menu select  Export > Visio (VSDX) OR Visio 2010 (VDX).

The document will be exported to the selected file format. Hope this helps! 

To learn more about how to export your documents to different formats please review our Export or print a Lucid document article from the Lucidchart Help Center!

I do not see to where Lucidchart exports the resulting VISIO file. I see a popup that says the program is exporting, but there is no indication of where the file has been saved, and searching my entire hard drive yields nothing. Why can I not simply speak with someone for a quick resolution. Amazing that companies sell software with zero support. 


Hey @nmrpllc -- thanks for posting a reply! If you are seeing that the file is successfully exported, you should be able to open Visio and find your file by clicking Open and searching for your file there. Most likely, the file is being saved in a downloaded folder. 

If this doesn’t help, you can always reach us at -- our support team is available 24/7.
