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  1. Open LucidChart Document

  2. Select Jira integration icon on left toolbar

  3. Authenticate LucidSpark for Jira through separate tab (I am admin in both Lucid and Jira)

Expected: "Import Jira Issues" modal populates issues available to import.

Actual: "Import Jira Modals" does not populate issues and displays """You do not have access to the data anymore. Sign in to Jira to get access." Attempting to Sign In an authenticate takes me through the same authentication flow in a separate tab but does not resolve the issue.

Integration appears to be made on the Jira end

Hi Spencer

Thanks for posting in the Community.

Since this is directly related to your account could you please file a support request so that we can look into the issue and assist?

Please make sure to include the following information:

1. The browser you are using and whether you have already tried on an additional browser or using an incognito or private window

2. Send a screenshot of the issue you are seeing

3. The type of Jira are you using (Cloud vs. Server) and If Server include the version

4. The version of the Lucidchart plug-in you are using

5. Your base URL

6. A screenshot of the Javascript console when the issue occurs

Thank you!
