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Is there a way to change the proportions between if and else subboxes in alt box? I am ending up with very big alt boxes where at least one half's content takes much less space then the other. Documents look massive.



Hi Anna

Thanks for your post! Just to verify I'm correctly understanding what you're describing would you mind posting a screenshot of the size discrepancy you're describing? Thanks in advance. 


There is no size discrepancy I'd like to find out how to change the proportions between two box parts for alternative box. See my example where one alternative has quiet an extensive flow while the other one doesn't and one part of the box there is half empty making diagram unnecessarily big.  Also there is no way of adding more 'else' compartments without 'Bob -. Alice: some flow name' in a markup. I just want to have a bigger control over alt box content itself.



Hi Anna

Thanks for providing the additional context. Unfortunately I don't believe we currently support the functionality you're looking for. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes. If you'd like to see additional functionality that allows you to specify size/scale when using sequence markup please submit a feature request form. We're always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart from user feedback and suggestions submitted through this form are passed directly to our product development team for consideration. 
