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Two lines of text in UML Class diagram name - adjusting height within shape

  • 23 August 2018
  • 2 replies

I want to use the default UML Class shape (3-row) and I want to diagram a Django model which would take the special tag <<model>> above the model name - so really I simply want 2 lines of text in the name row like an interface shape with a third row for methods.

I would expect that the lines separating rows could be moved up and down to allow for more or less text without affecting the overall scale of the shape and while I used to be able to adjust the line spacing within a class shape suddenly I'm not able to anymore. 

When I hover the cursor over the internal lines I don't get control handles any more. Instead only the outer shape strokes are controllable. 

Hi there! Thanks for reaching out in the community. In that shape if you hit Ctrl + Enter or Shift + Enter in the name section it should then take you a line down so you can continue to put text. Hope this helps!

Thank you! That solves my problem :) 
