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Am I correct in that turning off Collaborative AI until we are able to evaluate whether we want to opt in to it is a PREMIUM feature?

Hi @joacole, thank you for posting in the community. The option to restrict or permit access to Collaborative AI on your account is only available to Enterprise accounts. 

For more information about the Collaborative AI feature, I recommend checking out our Transform productivity and innovation with Collaborative AI article from the Lucid Help Center. 

I hope this helps. Feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions! 

I have to say that I am disappointed by that answer. I am not opposed to the feature (our company is embracing AI with ferocity), but AI is like data residency and security. Organizations want to know what’s happening with their data, understand where it goes, and make risk decisions based on that. Frankly, it is ethically questionable to make companies pay to turn off a feature where their data is being used in a way that isn’t clear before they have a chance to review and make the decision for themselves.

At least when we were using Visio, I had to pay Microsoft to turn Copilot on. I urge Lucid to reconsider its approach to the Collaborative AI feature. Heck, you may even make more money if you make Collaborative AI a premium feature rather than jamming it down our throats.

Hi @joacole, thank you so much for taking the time to share such thoughtful feedback. I’ve raised this internally with our product team so we can explore solutions here, and I’ll be sure to share updates with you via this thread as soon as I’m able. 

Hi @Micah-

Thank you for receiving the feedback in the spirit in which it was intended. I appreciate you running this up the chain.

All the best,


Hi @joacole! My name is Birch, I’m one of the Senior PMs over AI. I thought I would send an update here, that we just released the ability to toggle AI feature on and off for team level plans or higher. We appreciate the feedback! If you have any other feedback or questions, please feel free to send them our way!

Hi @birch!

I have to say that I am incredibly pleased and impressed. Not all software companies listen to their customer feedback the way Lucid did. You just made our company a very “sticky” customer.

Kindest regards,

