I have created custom hover text on conditional formatting, but I am unable to find a post or video on how to use it after the formula is inputted. My goal is to count the number of “children” in each container, so I do not have to do it manually as my chart grows. After researching this topic, I believe the proper formula on the custom hover text to be “=COUNT(children)”. Is this the proper formula to use for what I am trying to accomplish? If so, how do I view the custom hover text equation on my containers?
I believe the formula you want is “=COUNT(CONTAINED)”. I have that formula on these containers with a custom text badge and custom hover text showing the count. I have to hover over the text badge to see the custom hover text (which kind of defeats the point, but you can use it with an icon badge instead of custom text). Does this help you accomplish what you are trying to do?

Thank you for your reply, Lance. That is what I am trying to do! I changed the formula to contained, but still cannot see the hover over number anywhere on the box permitter.
Can you send a picture of your conditional formatting rule?

The custom hover text should appear if you hover over the grey X icon on the right of your container. Is the grey X there but not showing anything on hover, or is the grey X missing?
Ah, when I hover over the icon I am able to see the count, but it is showing the count for the shapes inside the shape (all of mine are 0 as I only have text in the shapes). I am trying to have the formula count the number of shapes I have in each container. For example, I have seven containers and want to know that the first container has 13 projects, the second container has 11 projects, etc. I hope that makes sense...
Are “Status” and “Unique Id” properties on the shapes in the containers? If yes, you can try changing your “If” condition to “=COUNT(CONTAINED) > 0” so the rule is applied only to containers, then setting your custom hover text to “=COUNTIF(CONTAINED, AND(@Status = 'On Hold', @'Unique Id'))”, which will count the number of shapes in the container with those properties.
If that isn’t what you need, can you send a picture of one of your containers? Or one with fake data if you can’t send real data?
Good morning, Lance. I tried your suggested formula above, but the shapes in the containers still say “0” when hovered over. Below is an example of what a container would look like. In this case, I would like to know the number of customers (shapes) that are in the “Status” container, i.e., 10.

Smart Containers track the “Total items in container” for you so you can use that same value when creating your conditional formatting rule.

Thank you, Kirsten! I was able to add the badge number for total items in container. What is the complete formula you used above that reads =this.”total items in…

The formula I used was “this.”Total items in container”, but then I realized I didn’t even need to use a formula!

Thank you! I was able to do it before, but was not able to pick the location. I put the formula in, and now I am able to adjust the location! Thank you all so much for our assistance!
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